Markets & Research
Access a unique and exclusive collection of financial news, research and financial expertise, with one simple subscription. Review global market conditions by region, sector and security in one customizable view.
Identify securities of interest and save to My Favorites for fast, easy reference. Research securities: evaluate by risk, return, correlation, price-to-earnings ratios, and other key fundamental & technical factors.
See how it worksStrategy Builder
Construct winning investment strategies using a broad array of advanced analytical tools. Design strategies using a streamlined, flexible investment selection process. You can also:
> Customize Universe
> Apply Filters
> Implement Strategy
Our featured products make it easy to
Customize Universe
Select preferred asset classes from equities, fixed income, commodities, real estate, etc.
Apply Filters
Set parameters to screen by risk ratios, sample statistics, fundamental and technical factors.
Implement Strategy
Run, modify and save strategies built to your portfolio specifications.
Portfolio Optimizer
Optimize securities to determine the ideal asset mix. Create and manage multiple portfolio strategies using an intelligent, comprehensive approach to asset allocation.
> Select a risk tolerance level.
> Monitor and rebalance portfolio's monthly, quarterly or annually.
> Set rebalance reminders and receive alerts.
Stay connected and monitor portfolio indicators and risk levels anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Receive text, email and in-app warnings when securities reach critical levels. Set and manage alerts using powerful analytic tools. Monitor fundamental, technical and risk violations which may impact portfolio performance.
A powerful risk calculator provides risk measures daily, including worst-case scenarios and annualized volatility.
See how it works